This isn't the first time I've attempted to tackle this list - I've made several half arsed attempts in the past. Hence it comes to pass that this is the first record that I actually bought a while back.
I know little about Silent Eclipse and the internet isn't much help. But have a look at the cover, the name of the group and the title of the album. This is a pretty heavy trip. And it's one of those UK Hip Hop records with a large reggae influence. I gave it a short shrift when I bought it but, actually I think it's a solid entry on the list.
They're pretty full on from the get go - the production is minimal and the rapping hits hard. The production though is changable enough for the record not to be dull and they're not preachy. The standout for me was "Policing as a Tool" in which the hypotheses is put forward for this "that most of the officers were bullied at school". It does that brilliant thing of mentioning the album title in the song: "I waked up early, I had it going on, Psychological Enslavement was going strong".
This is a dark record which doesn't feel heavy - they tell you the facts rather than try to force your hand. I don't know if I could listen to it a lot but it is a solid listen when it is on.
Here's a neat video of MCD from Silent Eclipse: