Saturday 4 February 2012

05: Amon Duul 2 - Wolf City

I think this was my first krautrock record purchase, pulled from a weirdo record shop in Weston Super Mare which I seemed to have a periodic relationship with. My copy is on the venerable Base records straight out of the bootlegging heart of Italy and it came in one of those classic thick plastic sleeves which were all over certain record shops and still are.

This continues the path started in Carnival in Babylon towards a more traditional and less far out sound. Nonetheless it, like CIB, is a really good record and Renate sings a lot. And Peter doesn't sing as much - Renate on this sounds way better than Carnival in Babylon, one of those rare moments where the germanic twinge in her voice really works. Loads of great contrast and violin frenzies. I remember buying it and not quite knowing what to expect from it and not even knowing what it was when it was over. Cope nails it by saying that this is the first AD2 record of real songs - it's just a solid collection.

Surrounded by The Stars is beautiful and Renate has never sounded better. Green Bubble Raincoated Man is a bit of a mouthful and I have no idea what it's all about but it has this amazing wig out section near the end with loads of fuzz and drums. Cope goes all guns for Jail House Frog but I find it a bit stupid - too much Peter singing. Once the vocals disappear then it gets a bit better.

The title track on the flip is heavy with lots of organ effects and whirring noises. But again with the crappy vocals. Then there's a track which sounds like a bongo version of raincoated man, with some of the time noodling added over the top. It's pleasant but meanders a bit too much. Deutsch Nepal is stupid: all bravado and pointless talking. Then it all ends with an outtake from the end of Labyrinth but fortunately it's the good labyrinth and you don't have to see what Bowie's packing.  Then it all goes stupid of course and turns into T-Rex.

So that's the end of the Amon Duul 2 train. I like Carnival in Babylon best, Yeti is fantastic but can be a struggle, this is fun but ultimately forgettable. I like Amon Duul 2.

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