Thursday 4 July 2013

28: Aspects - Correct English

Wow, I've really fallen behind with this. In my defence, June was busy at work and we went on holiday. Furthermore, now that I'm approaching the nether regions of the list the records aren't as easily available. Two have fallen by the wayside (I'll have to order them IRL FFS ETC). But I've kept up at least with the listening side of things.

So Aspects: from the Bristol axis of the New Wave of British Hip Hop. This is a great record - loads of smart production, crazy accents. This was released on Hombre - the Bristol label (see also the Numskullz). Two DJS, Three MCs. A bit of spoken word and then the first track proper: Aspects the Crew Are Top Choice over and over and some raspy noisy thing. It's as good as it gets. It's a solid listen from then on, but maybe a little on the bland side. One of those things that's really good but lacks the thing that grabs you.

Kronos Device starts with the Vampires of Dartmoor, before breaking out into a reggae like bouncy thing. It's great, but would have been better with the Vampires. They do the spoken word track from the start but rap over it at the end. It's good. At 18 tracks, though it's way too long which is particularly a hip hop trait. This falls into the trap of being part of the NWOBHH: It's a long but solid listen but there were so many other things at the time that were slightly better. All the parts are there and they've come together okay but it's just not super fulfilling.

Couldn't find a video, so here's top choice:

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