Monday 23 June 2014

Week 23: 25/04/93 - 14/01/94

It's all slowing down a little now. As we approach the mid 90s the Peel stranglehold and The Fall do a session for the Mark Goodier show: Mark Goodier, Mark Goodier, Mark Goodier.....On Radio 1. And it's super tight: the best version of Glam Racket so far, A non-annoying War, 15 Ways and a furious Past Gone Mad.

And then a whole bunch of weirdo live tracks: Deadbeat Descendant and other old songs (shift work?, Big New Prinz?) the Fall are dredging the back catalogue or someone is on their behalf. This is now the era of Mark being barely coherent when singing live. It's not like he's given up, but more that he's starting to drink too much.

The Behind The Counter was also one of the signs of those interminable, never ending remixes. Whoever realised that by releasing three different formats you gained chart positions should be shot. So many bad remixes from this.

And then, via Oxymoron, the first Glam Racket with Brix! and her rap part. The bible considers the return of Brix to be the kick in the arse that The Fall needed and I'm not one to disagree - she's on fine form on this, all yank snarl. And giving space to a vocalist who isn't Mark seems to ignite the band, maybe they relish the lack of fear.

That would have been the end, if it wasn't for a mistake on my part. I labelled the Nottingham '92 concert as being released in 2014.  To be honest it's largely forgettable, though being of a relatively high standard audio wise. They do And Therein which is, I guess the curveball. The War Against Intelligence never sounded better to be fair though.

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