And now into Wonderful territory for propers. the CREEP single, in all of it's green vinyl poppy goodness. I like this one, it's up beat without sounding too different from the Fall. AND another dub version on the 12" - good work Mark.
Then a Janice Long session: No Bulbs which I never really like, too happy sounding, Draygo's Guilt which is really an album track. Stephen Song the Brix band naming track which is quite sweet - for once Mark being nice about the band I suppose. Slang King is tiresome though.
Then them lot live - they do Craigness which is one of my favorite tracks on the record, and it's good live - quite subtle and slow. The usual period suspects and then Kicker Conspiracy with Brix shouting - it's still not as good as the single version though. At the end of Pat Trip Dispenser Mark 'tells' the band to do Middle Mass, suggesting another one of his surprises - but the version they do isn't bad, even if clearly a surprise.
And Saturday Live! This is where the awkward discussion comes from - the presenter trying to engage an indifferent Mark in some kind of conversation. A 2 minute question is met with the response: "D'Reckon?". "Are you going for a more accessible sound these days?" "Well you have to these days - matter of survival". They do a version of Elves which Brix wrote as a Stooges rip off and a blend of Fortress and Marquis Cha Cha.
And then the LP in full - this was the first Fall album I owned on the Beggars CD reissue. I love this record a great deal, it's accessible and interesting but a little bit weird. There's straight up rockabilly stuff in Copped It and Lay of The Land and then weirdness in Bug Day and a sense of fun which was lacking in the previous stuff. Craigness is the highlight for me, stripped back and mysterious and Disney's Dream Debased was something to do with Disney rides maybe? Who knows but it's a great song.
Wrapping up this period some receiver stuff from Nation's Saving Grace. Hinting that something even better than Wonderful was coming. Couldn't Get Ahead in a rough live version is such a great tight song. A disturbingly titled Barmy (Long Version) isn't that long by Fall standards but then it opens at the close: Wings. This is the version on the Backdrop CD and for me the best version of this song, live an threatening. The band are spot on, and it brings the tune alive. A tale of time travel, stuffing from the wings and the problems of changing the past and the effect it has on the future: HERE IS A LIST OF INCORRECT THINGS. I love the way Mark sings "An academic k neaded his chin". A small alteration of the past can cast time into space. Small changes can alter more than a mere decade. It's such a great song, and this is the best version.
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