Unlucky for some but this was a calm hours worth. There's a weirdo live instrumental called Countdown but it has nothing to do with the TV show.
Living Too Late is a great single - classic Fall bass and guitar repeats over the usual nonsense. And then Living Too Long (geddit) which is twice the length. Fantastic.
They do a peel session which is super tinny and not super great. I don't much care for Hot Aftershave Bop and the remainder was better done on the LP. Mr. Pharmacist is theeee classic Fall single, with the Leigh Bowery video and that intro to Lucifer over Lancashire. That song is crazy - all up tempo guitar twang and Mark shouts. The title alone.
Bend Sinister was a bit of an odd LP for me - I don't think I ever had a copy of it but I think I taped it from a friend. I like the record - it's a nice blend of the pop and the weird stuff. The sound is great throughout, Brix sneering and the super jangle of her guitar. The two highlights are: Shoulder Pads - super whistle organ and Mark declaring: It's M.E.S. in Shoulder Pads!. It's a fantastic single. Gross Chapel is the long one so should be good but somehow falls a little short. I hate US 80s-90s, all that stupid drums. Then the bizarrely weird of Terry Waite Sez. Not sure what this is trying to tell me but I like it. Bournemouth Runner has hints of Cheese a la Rollin' Dany. Riddler is a bit too rocky for my liking but I'll go with it.
Thank god it ends with another go at Shoulder Pads - if they'd done that as the whole album I would have been very pleased. Put that on repeat!
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