Monday 4 February 2013

46: Infinite Livez - Bush Meat

Hmm - what to make of this? Infinite Livez is the voice of Steven Henry, Bethnal Green. Another record I thought I would really hate but actually it's not too bad. It has a little bit going for it - it's not far from a British Version of Del or someone like that.

Infinite Livez is something like, quirky British Humour (They're not called 'crisps', they're called 'crips' innit), with a bit of borderline puerile humour and lots of synth type beats. There's a track called 'Lactating Man' about a man that produces milk. There's also a song called White Wee Wee. Hmm

And this is a problem. I'd been reading in the past weeks, outlining how something essentially good can be easily altered by something relatively small. And this is my problem with Inifinite Livez. It's a good record, well produced and the rapping is pretty good, very particular style but good with it. But the childish humour is really off putting. So I doubt I'll come back to it.

Comedy rap is incredibly difficult to pull off, and sexual humour especially so. But there's lots of good stuff here: He does an impression of Bowie at the end of the Lactating Man and it's great. There's a vaguely amusing take on the Brit Art which is good. My favourite is of course, Spade Invaders, a tribute to video games. It's not as good as the Nextmen covering the same topic but it's good. There's also a rapper called Ghandi Warhol.

And that classic 90's thing - a 22 minute final track which is 90% silence and then a "hidden track" - it's a bit like a terrible antique.

So that was infinite livez - essentially good, but difficult to take seriously, or even humorously. Here's the obligatory youtube - there were some really terrible ones in there but I think this is pretty good, and largely representative of what to expect:

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