Saturday 14 December 2013

15: Skinnyman - Council Estate of Mind

This kicks of with a sample from a Tim Roth film which I've not seen but sounds like a Borstal type movie for the nineties. Roth is the troubled one who goes around the system. This film forms the basis of the album - I can probably recite the whole film after hearing this record.

This record is a weird one. Skinnyman's a good rapper, the production is pretty solid but there's something weirdly un-engaging about it and the I'm hard done to schtick becomes quite tiresome. But it's grown on me quite a bit. The key problem for me is that the tempo is generally too slow and I don't feel like there's enough variation thematically to keep the record interesting.

There are highlights: I'll be surprised has a bouncy soul sample with some nice bass and drums and it all works really well. The title track is pretty good too but these are the exceptions: it's nice but it's not quite right.

Here's the Mud Fam coming live:

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