Saturday 14 December 2013

26: Son Of Noise - The Mighty Son Of Noise

This one was late because I had to order it - unlike the krautrock project, a lot of these records are really hard to get. Forget about iTunes, and I don't do Spotify on principle - they're even hard to find on blogs.

Anyway I got this, and it's on Kold Sweat. It files nicely alongside golden age back pack type US stuff but with a bit more class. There's a bit of fast rap and frenetic scratching. The thing it has in common with a bunch of records on this list is that, in general and for single disc records, there's not filler. I love hip hop dearly but too often there's a bit too much free reign to do whatever. This is tight and to the point and keeps the bar raised on each track.

It gets quite difficult to talk about these records - like the krautrock project, it's surprising that I not only like 90% of the records here but something like 75% have become top listens. The quality is so high and it's easy to forget that there are bad rap records a plenty out there.

Take Keep It Goin: posse cut, the production is simple but tight - everyone comes correct and it leaps off the record player and into your head. This record is good.

Here's a freestyle:

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